British Airborne Forces 80th Anniversary

22nd June 1940: The Formation of Airborne Forces. On the 22nd June 1940, Winston Churchill sent a letter to General Ismay requesting a corps of at least 5000 airborne troops. Churchill had been impressed by the successes of German parachute and glider-borne troops in securing vital objectives ahead of the armoured ‘Blitzkrieg’ that had steamrolled […]

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The Lost Watch of D-Day

The story of Tom Rice is epic, and his watch was a part of it… Tom jumped into Normandy on D-Day as a mortarman with Company C, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. Approaching the drop zone, his aircraft was struck by an enemy shell. In the panic as the plane accelerated to 164 […]

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75th Ranger Regiment Military Intelligence Battalion Officially Activated

Provisionally activated on May 22, 2017 at Fort Benning, Georgia, the Regimental Military Intelligence Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment was officially activated today and now becomes an enduring part of the 75th Ranger Regiment.   “Within Sullivan’s Charter for the 75th Ranger Regiment, we continue to evolve as an ‘awesome force composed of skilled, […]

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Finland Prepared For The Worst: Battlefield 2020

“Battlefield (2020)” is an educational film created by The Finnish Defence Forces specifically for conscript training. The film is part of the combat training material provided in the beginner period and in the non-commissioned and reserve officer courses. In addition, the video is used in the training of reservists and staff. The purpose of the […]

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Happy 245th Birthday US Army

14 June 1944. “Screaming Eagles” in a German VW type 82 ‘Kübelwagen’ at the crossroads of the street (Rue) Holgate and the Route National no.13, Carentan, Normandy, France. It took six days of bitter fighting to liberate the town and ensure the junction between the landing beaches of Utah Beach and Omaha Beach. The town […]

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D-Day In Color

This year’s D-Day anniversary, the 76th, is a lot more low key than last year’s – primarily because of the restrictions on travelling and large gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So we’re going to mark the occasion in our special way, with a collection of genuine photos of Allied airborne and commando forces from […]

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Friday Foto

23.30hrs 5th June 1944 – The Final Embarkation: Four ‘stick’ commanders of 22nd Independent Parachute Company, British 6th Airborne Division, synchronising their watches in front of an Armstrong Whitworth Albemarle of 295 Squadron, No 38 Group, Royal Air Force, at about 23.30 on the 5th of June, just prior to take off from RAF Harwell, […]

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Friday Foto

28 May 1982, Goose Green, Falklands. Soldiers of 2 PARA prepare for battle. Photo credit: Airborne Assault – The Museum of the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces.   […]

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LeapFest 2020 Cancelled

The Rhode Island National Guard’s 56th Troop Command has announced that the Leapfest-International Airborne Competition for 2020 has been cancelled as a consequence of the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Teams that have already registered for Leapfest 2020 will be notified by the command and will receive full reimbursement of their registration fees. To […]

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