Today’s “Friday Foto” is actually a video. Enjoy! […]

Today’s “Friday Foto” is actually a video. Enjoy! […]
We weren’t able to attend the International Friendship Jumps and Wings Exchange ceremony at Leapfest today, but thanks to information provided by the Rhode Island National Guard PAO team we are able to bring you the following report. U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Deirdre Salvas There is a tremendous amount of tradition […]
The 2019 Leapfest International Airborne Competition has now come to an end, and the results are in for the best Team and Individual scores. Paratroopers from around the world participated in Leapfest, Aug. 3, 2019, West Kingston, R.I. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Deirdre Salvas, 143 AW/PA) First Place Team: The U.S. Army’s […]
Leapfest is the largest, longest standing, international static line parachute training event and competition. Conducted by the Rhode Island Army National Guard, the purpose of Leapfest is to promote international camaraderie and Esprit de Corps among Airborne Soldiers, while also showcasing the capabilities of the Rhode Island National Guard. Paratroopers are specially selected, trained, and highly […]
Australian Army soldiers from 2nd Commando Regiment conducted counter-terrorism training in Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart in May 2019. The training was part of the Mars series of exercises used by the 2nd Commando Regiment’s online hostage recovery/counter-terrorism company to build capacity in its role as Tactical Assault Group—East (TAG–E). TAG–E is the Australian Defence Force’s […]
A total of six U.S. Air Force MC-130J Commando II aircraft and seven crews from the 67th Special Operations Squadron, which falls under the 352nd Special Operations Wing at RAF Mildenhall, came together over a four-day period to conduct a conduct MC130J rodeo competition July 8 – 11, 2019. An Air Commando rodeo is a competition […]
Approximately 1,400 special operations and armed forces from 10 nations deployed across host nations Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania June 10-21 for U.S. Special Operations Command Europe’s exercise Trojan Footprint 19. Trojan Footprint is an annual SOCEUR-led exercise that brings together U.S., Allied and partner special operations forces across Europe. SOF and the armed forces of […]
On Friday, the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Air Force organized a long-distance rescue for two Mexican fishermen who were severely injured in an accident aboard a tuna boat some 1300 miles southwest of San Diego. Pararescue team parachutes into the Pacific to provide treatment for two injured fishermen, 2014. (Image credit: USAF) At […]
Coast Guard Maritime Security Response Team West members fast-rope from a 176th Wing, 210th Rescue Squadron Alaska Air National Guard UH-60G Pave Hawk at Air Station Kodiak, Alaska, Feb. 22, 2019, during a joint service training exercise. The MSRT West members maintain a ready alert force to support Coast Guard operational commanders and Department of […]
You’ve probably already seen the dramatic video footage of the moment when the US Coast Guard caught up with a suspected drug-smuggling vessel off the Pacific coast of California this week. If you haven’t, or if you want to just enjoy it one more time, check it out below: The dramatic video footage by the […]