Over the years I’ve bought a LOT of gear – either for airsoft loadouts that I never completed, or just stuff that I wanted to try out.  And even some stuff that I’ve tested and written about here on Strike-Hold!Well, its got to the point where I’ve run out of storage space and I have more stuff than I’ll ever use – so I’m having a bit of a “garage sale” on eBay.  Bidding prices on most stuff starts at 50% off the retail price – so let my loss be your gain.

This entry was posted in Boots, Clothing, Individual Equipment. Bookmark the permalink.

0 Responses to Need some gear? I’m having a clear-out.

  1. combat boots says:

    Oh man! Wish I would have seen your Bundeswehr KSK Kommando cargo for sale. I just bought a brand new pair last month.

  2. James G says:

    The Korean MARPAT uniform and boonie hat are way cool dude~James G

  3. Pingback: Need some gear? I’m having a clear-out. (via Strike – Hold!) « Normanomiblog