LCTairsoft SVD

Our friends at LCTairsoft helped us ring in the (Western) New Year with their first new product drop of 2022 – their stunning steel, wood, and polymer SVD AEG! The Soviet SVD-63 (Snáyperskaya Vintóvka sistém’y Dragunóva obraz’tsá 1963 goda) is probably the first modern example of a designated marksman rifle. This means that it was […]

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What the Hell is a Battle Rifle?

Most people have have heard of assault rifles, and many know that the first types were developed by the German Army during WWII – first calling them “machine carbines” or “sub-machine guns” before settling on the cooler sounding assault rifle classification (“Sturmgewehr”) in order to obtain Hitler’s signature on the production order.   Besides having […]

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