Update the classic designs of your LCT G3, HK33, or HK53 replica with 21st century accessories like optics rails and RIS handguards… Available now from your favorite LCT retailer – for more detailed information, visit LCTairsoft.com […]

Update the classic designs of your LCT G3, HK33, or HK53 replica with 21st century accessories like optics rails and RIS handguards… Available now from your favorite LCT retailer – for more detailed information, visit LCTairsoft.com […]
As today is the day that the LCTairsoft LK53A2 and LK53A3 AEGs drop, this date shall henceforth be known as August 53rd! The LK53 AEGs join the LK33 (HK33 replica) series already on the market. Contact your favorite LCT dealer to get in on the action! […]
Our friends at LCTairsoft have been in touch with an update to let us know that their high quality HK53 series is going to drop in just a couple of weeks! Coming August 5th, both the A2 (fixed stock) and A3 (retractable stock) models, as well as both the AEG and EBB versions, will launch […]