WASHINGTON (AP) — The seizure of an American crew and cargo demonstrates the limits of U.S. military power in an international cops-and-robbers chase along a huge, lawless stretch of African coastline. An American Navy destroyer, the USS Bainbridge, arrived off the Horn of Africa on Thursday near the Maersk Alabama, Kevin Speers, a spokesman for […]
Category: Uncategorized
Iraqi Special Operations Forces Soldiers Learn Weapons Repair
Posted on 07/04/2009 by Strike-Hold source: www.dvidshub.net Story by Spc. Jeffrey Ledesma BAGHDAD – Iraqi Special Operations Forces soldiers are currently learning the ins and outs of advanced weaponry during an in-depth weapons course in the Iraqi capital. During the weapons course, the soldiers will become experts at the construction, function and repair of seven […]
New Hovercraft for the Swedish Coastal Defence Forces
Posted on March 29, 2009 by Strikehold March 16, 2009 – www.defpro.com They travel almost everywhere, has great capacity and do not need any ports. The three Griffon 8100TD hovercraft FMV yesterday handed over to the Swedish Armed Forces has many uses, not least in civil emergency. When the ice is four inches thick around […]
The Grand-daddy of all “assault rifles”: StG44 (airsoft version!)
Whether you refer to it by its original designation of MP44 (Maschinen-Pistole – submachine gun) or it “sexed-up” Fuehrer-friendly designation of StG44 (Sturmgewehr – assault rifle), there’s no denying the rightful place of this WWII German small arm as the Grand-daddy of all modern, selective-fire, medium-calibre, military rifles. The the 7.92 x 33mm Kurz – short […]
Design a “Strike-Hold!” logo / patch competition
In honour of the fact that we’ve just passed the 50,000 visitors milestone, I think its time we had a logo / patch for the “Strike-Hold!” community. And who better to design it than the community itself. So with that, I’d like to invite all you designers out there to have a go (whether you’re a […]
50,000 and still climbing…
Sometime yesterday we got our 50,000th visitor! Congratulations to whoever you are/were! It was on a bit of whim that I launched Strike-Hold! back at the tail-end of August. I just thought that there must be at least a few other people out there who also wanted to see up-to-date and accurate information about real-deal […]
“Popular Mechanics” magazine goes behind the scenes with US spec ops gunboats
Source: www.popularmechanics.com By Erik Sofge Photographs by Chad Hunt Published in the March 2009 issue. Behind the Scenes With a Special Ops Gunboat Crew A PM reporter tags along on a live-fire exercise with the elite gunboat crews of Special Boat Team 22. The first gun to shoot doesn’t sound like a gun at all. […]
US SOCOM buys Polish “Skytrucks”
from Strategypage.com U.S. SOCOM (Special Operations Command) has bought ten M-28 Skytruck aircraft from Polish manufacturer PZL. SOCOM needed a smaller transport, that could land on rough fields, to get small numbers of troops and supplies to the many scattered bases it has in remote, undeveloped locations. The U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command (a […]
US SOCOM buys Polish”Skytrucks”
from Strategypage.comU.S. SOCOM (Special Operations Command) has bought ten M-28 Skytruck aircraft from Polish manufacturer PZL. SOCOM needed a smaller transport, that could land on rough fields, to get small numbers of troops and supplies to the many scattered bases it has in remote, undeveloped locations. The U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command (a component […]
Spec.Ops Brand “Shoulder Pocket Wallet”
Saw this on SoldierSystems today, and I thought “Brilliant! I gotta get me one of these!” From the Spec.Ops product page: “Traditional wallets are not built to fit in the shoulder pockets found on the new generation of U.S. military uniforms. Conventional wallets don’t offer organization designed around the types of items carried in the […]