A paratrooper of the US Army 11th Airborne Division gathers up his parachute canopy after a jump on Malamute drop zone November 2024. Photo: US Army […]

A paratrooper of the US Army 11th Airborne Division gathers up his parachute canopy after a jump on Malamute drop zone November 2024. Photo: US Army […]
US Special Operations Forces in Europe training with members of Italy’s ‘Folgore’ parachute regiment. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Whitney Hughes […]
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR – YEAR OF THE TIGER! Members of the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol unit of the 1st Brigade 101st Airborne Division listen to a briefing from the brigade commander, Brigadier General Willard Person. General Person expanded the use of long range reconnaissance patrols by the brigade, and authorized the use of the […]
The free-fallers of Airland Brigade 1 of the German Bundeswehr have been in Portugal practicing tactical parachute jumping with combat equipment. Day and night, an A400M and two M28 Skytrucks have been bringing the soldiers of the the free-fallers of Airland Brigade 1 in Portugal are practicing tactical parachute jumping with combat equipment. Day and […]
“They mostly come at night.” Photo source: Complete Parachute Systems […]
As Exercise Forager 21 continues, more than 500 Paratroopers from the 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division jumped into Indonesia yesterday. The Falcon Brigade flew direct from Guam (6 hours / 3,000 miles), rigged in-flight and parachuted in with their Indonesia Airborne partners. Exercise Forager 21 is a U.S. Army Pacific exercise designed to test and […]
200 British Paratroopers from 2 PARA and the Pathfinders, recently deployed into Qasr Al Hallabat, spearheading as the Lead Assault Force in Joint Theatre Entry Global Response Force. The paras jumped into a desert drop zone in Jordan, which was described as, ‘the biggest jump into this region since the 1956 Suez crisis’ – according […]
After preparing their equipment, conducting rehearsals, and receiving their final briefings, the men of the Allied Airborne Forces boarded their transport aircraft and gliders in England to begin a one-way trip to the province of Normandy, France – and a legendary rendezvous with destiny. They were the tip of the spear for the greatest […]
The paratroopers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade added another battle honor to their legacy this week – a Bulgarian olive oil factory! Exercise Swift Response 21 got off to a good start for the 173rd Airborne Brigade. They, along with more than 7,000 paratroopers from nine other nations, have been conducting a series […]
80 years ago, on May 20, 1941, the skies above the Mediterranean island of Crete became filled with the planes and parachute canopies of the Luftwaffe as Fallschirmjäger of the 7th Flieger Division of the 7th Flieger Division dropped from their Ju-52 transport planes – often right on top of the Allied defences. As a […]