KITANICA has unleashed yet more awesomeness onto an unsuspecting world – this time its in the shape and form of a deadly serpeant, the ASP (also stands for All-Season Pant apparently). This babies are some new that they’re not even on the KITANICA website yet, so they put them on their Facebook page to start […]
Category: Uncategorized
HMS Sutherland crew hone pirate take-down skills
Posted on 22/08/2012 by Strike-Hold Royal Marines aboard HMS Sutherland have been practising their pirate vessel boarding techniques using ‘rapid roping’ from the frigate’s helicopter in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Despite punishing daytime temperatures in the mid-30s degrees Celsius, ‘The Fighting Clan’, as HMS Sutherland is known, continues her mission against international terrorism […]
KITANICA Mountain Shorts
Posted on 18/08/2012 by Strike-Hold I’ve been wearing a prototype pair of these in Hyde Definition’s PenCott-Sandstorm camouflage for a couple of months, and I’m very impressed! These shorts are great – and no, they are not “ladies Capri shorts”! The number, type, and layout of the pockets is fantastic and makes them ideal for […]
Leapfest 30
Posted on 08/08/2012 by Strike-Hold Ice Cube might have taken “XXX” to the next level, but Leapfest XXX took things even higher – and was much more interesting and exciting to watch. In what you could call “The Olympics of Military Parachuting”, Leapfest 30 brought together over 60 teams from more than 20 US states […]
ARKTIS wins contract for Australian Federal Police Tactical Vest
France replacing the famous FAMAS
Posted on August 7, 2012 by Strike-Hold Known colloquially as “The Bugle” by the troops, it seems that the French military is on the warpath to replace its distinctive FAMAS rifle – which has been around since 1971 – with something newer, and perhaps more standardized with the rest of NATO. It appears that the […]
DRIFIRE Military Ultra-Lightweight Short Sleeve T-shirt
DRIFIRE is a household name in the tactical industry, thanks to its range of flame-resistant / fire-retardant clothing to the US military for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. So, when they offered us one of their Ultra-Lightweight Short Sleeve T-shirts to review, we grabbed it with both hands. What you might not know is that […]
The high cost of everything
As you know, there was a lot of chatter recently in the mainstream media about the US Army’s poor choice of camouflage, and how many billions of dollars may or may not have been spent issuing kit in that pattern to soldiers. Well, as this article from 1917 shows, it seems that griping about the […]
Czech’s update their small arms inventory
The indigenously designed and manufactured CZ 805 BREN assault rifle which was recently accepted into service with the Czech Republic’s defence forces has justifiably been receiving a fair amount of attention and accolades. Now the Czech’s have announced plans to upgrade their entire inventory of personal weapons. The Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic […]
British Armed Forces Get New Combat Boot
When you think about it brown has always been a much more sensible color than black for field / combat boots – the only “drawback” being that it doesn’t polish up into a nice glossy finish for the parade ground like black does. So, rather than issue two types of boots to every soldier, most […]