
This man in the image below is William Morgan, aka the “Yankee Comandante.” During the Cuban Revolution, he was a pro-democracy soldier of fortune who was ultimately killed by a firing squad. The strange weapon you see there is a much-modified version of the Colt 1907 called the “Cuban Winchester.” The following information was posted […]
The US Army’s “Next Generation Squad Weapons” (NGSW) Program has certainly been an interesting project to watch, and despite the delays in publishing the promised final announcements, it has also progressed much quicker than many expected. Of course, many (including myself to be honest) were rather skeptical to begin with that the program would in […]
B&T is a small but well-respected company from Switzerland that has equipped numerous European police and military forces over the years. In the US they are probably best known for having won a (small-scale) contract in 2019 for their APC9K sub-machine gun to be used as the US Army’s sub-compact weapon (SCW) in close protection […]
These pine cones shoot back! The latest intake of recruits for The Netherlands Marine Corps (Korps Mariniers) have been busy practicing and conducting various field exercises as part of their training cycle. Photo credit: Mariniers Opleidingscentrum, Koninklijke Marine […]
BREAKING NEWS – According to several sources, the German Bundeswehr has apparently, and unexpectedly, cancelled its order for approximately 120,000 Haenel MK556 ‘machine carbines’ (assault rifles) that was placed less than a month ago. Readers familiar with the saga of the Bundeswehr’s search for a new rifle to replace the Heckler & Koch G36 in […]
Many people were surprised by the announcement earlier this week that the Bundeswehr has chosen the Haenel MK556 as its new assault rifle system – snubbing both the HK416 and the HK433 in the process. The stated reasoning was that the Haenel rifle, which is essentially a German rebrand of a UAE clone of a […]
With the news earlier this week that the Czech Army signed a contract to purchase up to 16,000 Bren 2 Assault Rifles as part of major modernization and upgrade program, it is especially pertinent to share this video from Larry Vickers. […]
If you enjoyed the recent video from ‘Forgotten Weapons’ about the HK33, then you might like this one on HK’s follow-up on that 5.56mm platform – the G41. The G41 is a 5.56×45mm NATO assault rifle introduced in 1981 by Heckler & Koch to replace the HK33 by providing a more modern weapon compatible with […]
LAV shows off one of his favorite rifles from the Galil series, the IMI Galil SAR. […]