Kushnapup bullpup stock for Saiga 12 shotguns

I’ve seen a few after-market bullpup stocks come and go over the years, and most of the ones I’ve seen for AK-type weapons have been pretty fugly.So, when I saw this one on The Firearm Blog yesterday I was well impressed.  In fact, I found it hard to believe its an after-market stock for Saiga […]

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More camo news! US Navy Working Uniform III

You might remember that back in January Soldier Systems Daily ran a story outlining the US Navy’s further plans with regards to the issuing of camouflage uniforms to its personnel.Just to re-cap, this outlined the Navy’s set-up as follows; Navy Working Uniform Type I – the standard Navy utility uniform in the blue-grey coloured version […]

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New”Spectre”digital camouflage pattern from SSO / SPOSN

Posted on August 4, 2010 by Strike-Hold In other recent camouflage news, Russian company SSO / SPOSN has announced the availability of their a new family of digital camouflage patterns.  According to the information we’ve received, there are summer woodland, autumn woodland and semi-arid versions; known as “Spectre”, “Spectre-Autumn” and “Spectre-S” respectively.    A wide range […]

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Tiger Helicopters Achieve 1,000 Flight Hours in Operations in Afghanistan

Posted on August 3, 2010 by Strike-Hold press releaseThe EC665 Tiger HAP (combat support) helicopter received its operational certification from NATO for the Afghan theater of operations in August 2009, just seven months after the final operational standard qualification was issued by government agencies in December 2008.The fleet of three EC665 Tiger HAPs, operated by […]

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ITS Tactical’s Big Camo Comparison, part 2

Posted on 21/07/2010 by Strike-Hold Our friends over at ITS Tactical have been busy recently going out into the boonies to run their 2nd big camo comparison photo-study.  They’ll have the photos processed and posted soon, but in the meantime they’ve posted a story about all the excitement, adventures, shenanigans and mis-adventures they experienced along […]

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