British Armed Forces Get New Combat Boot

When you think about it brown has always been a much more sensible color than black for field / combat boots – the only “drawback” being that it doesn’t polish up into a nice glossy finish for the parade ground like black does.  So, rather than issue two types of boots to every soldier, most […]

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Strike-Hold! patches

Here’s a full look at our new style patches made for us by our friends at BritKitUSA. As many of you probably know, BritKitUSA make some mighty fine products and they are especially known for their high-quality 3-D molded “rubber” Velcro-backed patches.  The work they did for us continues in that same vein of excellence […]

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Camouflage design in the news again – in Singapore

All of the recent chatter about the US Army’s camouflage problems seems to have kicked off some discussion in Singapore about the Singapore Armed Forces introduction of a family of pixelated camouflage patterns. The most recent article appeared in “The New Paper” on Monday of this week. The New Paper is Singapore’s second largest English-language […]

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Bastille Day

Posted on 14/07/2012 by Strike-Hold Best wishes to our French readers!   This entry was posted in History. Bookmark the permalink. ← Friday Foto UW Gear MINUTEMAN MKII Chest Rig → 4 Responses to Bastille Day Pingback: France replacing the famous FAMAS | Strike – Hold! Lawrence says: 17/07/2012 at 04:13 These guys are French […]

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British and French Paras train together

British and French troops have performed parachute jumps using each other’s aircraft and equipment as they work towards a closer relationship. Exercise Eagles Vol saw soldiers from Colchester-based 16 Air Assault Brigade jump alongside their French counterparts from 11e Brigade Parachutiste (11e BP) in Pau, South West France, on Thursday 5 July. French instructor watches […]

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Happy 4th of July!

Today marks the 236th anniversary of the signing of the American Declaration of Independence. What many people either forget or overlook is that the American Colonial Army was not finally victorious until 6 years later, with the defeat of the British Army at Yorktown on the 19th of October 1781. A victory only achieved thanks […]

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The Airsoft Strobist

Do you like the outdoors?  Do you like high-speed military guns and gear?  Do you like good photography?  How about something that combines all three with a naturalistic style? If you answered yes to those questions, then you should check out the work of John Reitter, The Airsoft Strobist.  John (not Johan) is a young […]

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Canadian Enhanced Combat Uniform (ECU)

I’ve been holding off on posting this story until today.  Why?  Because today is CANADA DAY.  Get it?  Well anyway, the Canadians loaned their CADPAT pattern technology to the US Marine Corps for MARPAT, the US Army for UCP and the US Navy for NWU I, II and III.  So I guess you could call […]

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