Rob Ski from AK Operators Union is back with a look at what he calls “the Little Miracle.” Anyone who has tried to put an optic on an AK rifle knows the inherent challenges. Ski thinks things have been slowly getting better, though. He notes that the improvement of AK-compatible optics over the last six or seven years is remarkable. We’ve moved from good but relatively cumbersome offerings to what we’re looking at today: the Primary Arms SLx 3X MicroPrism. is it the best AK red dot yet?
He makes a pretty compelling argument to that effect…
Rob has been working with this one for five months, and he believes that, right now, it is one of the best AK optics available. So, let’s take a closer look at why he likes it so much. Rob says the optic designer is a “closet AK lover.” That’s always a good thing, at least when designing AK stuff; in this case, it’s paid off for the rest of us.
Rob says the ACSS reticle “is absolutely freaking amazing.”
The SLx 3x is tuned to one of two caliber groups: 5.56/5.45×39/.308 or 7.62×39/.300 Blackout; the “absolutely freaking amazing glass” (he likes that phrase) is etched with bullet drop and windage adjustments for each respective caliber group.
The SLx 3X features AutoLive motion sensing technology, so it’s ready to go when needed. It also has multiple night vision options. It’s customizable, allowing adding or removing the included risers as desired. It is compatible with multiple mounts (RDS mounts; you won’t need help finding the correct scope rings) and ships with manuals, thread lock, and a pic rail adapter.
Best AK Red Dot Yet?
Let’s take a look at the specs per the Primary Arms website:
Primary Arms SLx3x MicroPrism Specs
- Battery Type: CR2032 3V Lithium Coin
- Click Value: ¼ MOA
- Eye Relief: 2.70 inches
- Field View 100: 38.00 feet
- Focal Plane: Prism Scope

- 13 Illumination settings
- Magnification: 3X
- Night Vision Compatible
- Total Elevation and Windage Adjustment: 80 MOA
- Turret Features: Exposed, Low Profile, Tool Adjustable
- Weight: 7.95 ounces
Rob says the best thing about the SLx 3X is the size: “It is like a dream come true, for AK shooters. “Finally, someone listened.”
It’s very compact and, at 7.95 ounces, very light. It’s accurate too. If you zero it according to the manual, Rob guarantees your AK will be good to go on an 8”x6” plate out to 500 yards, assuming your shooting skills are up to it.
Rob says he’s heard people complain that a 3X magnification will negatively affect CQB capability. Still, he promises you’ll be able to cycle targets and do all your ninja stuff with no problem. That may be subjective, but you get the point. 3X is a nice, middle-ground magnification that allows you to reach out if necessary or just see something better.
This is the AK optic that Rob recommends. For the money, “you won’t find better glass or features on an AK-specific optic.” Pretty high praise, but the man does know his Kalashnikovs. What do you think? Could this be the AK optic we’ve been waiting for, or is it still, Nyet, rifle is fine?
Let us know in the comments.