If you’re a bit of a sci-fi, video game, or camo geek – then you’ll probably find this interesting.The latest issue of Empire magazine features a visit to the set of James Cameron’s ground-breaking new 3D, live-action/CGI, sci-fi film, AVATAR. One photo in particular in the article seems to have set certain forums and blogs buzzing with speculation. The photo, below, shows Cameron demonstrating how to fire the door gun of VTOL troop carrier – wearing a pair of jungle camo trousers with a digital pattern that people thought looked like PenCott camo from Hyde Definition.

Photo copyright: Empire magazine
Well, that door gun also looks a lot like an M60 and the VTOL troop carrier bears a certain resemblance to a Vietnam Huey helicopter that mated with a V-22 Osprey. Now, this does give the hardware a decidely more realistic look-and-feel – which is nice – and this is part of the enduring appeal of Cameron’s classic films like “The Terminator” and “Aliens”.It would appear that , as with “Aliens”, Cameron has commissioned a distinctive new camouflage pattern for the troops in his film – and has also brought it up to date by using a digital-pixilated scheme. But one thing is clear, he’s not wearing PenCott in that photo. The two images below show a close-up view – in roughly the same scale – of a section of his trouser leg clad in the AVATAR-pattern (shall we call it “AVPAT”?), and a section of my leg clad in PenCott.

So, obviously different patterns – right? But, as the combat action in AVATAR takes place on a jungle planet, PenCott – with its rather reptilian appearance – would certainly have been a good choice. (maybe Cameron will use it in the sequel… ;-)) By the way, the screenshots below from the spin-off AVATAR game (from Ubisoft) give a sense of the look of the hardware that will be featured in the film – as well as the feel and atmosphere of the action.
- “Banshee”, VTOL troop carrier. Image copyright, Ubisoft 2009.

Soldier wearing "AVPAT" jungle camo. Image copyright, Ubisoft 2009.
Speaking of PenCott…
My buddy Benj Hanson recently took a few photos of me wearing a set of PenCott camo clothing (the “Pioneer Professional Plus” set from Hyde Definition) at an airsoft skirmish in deciduous woodland here in the UK . As you can see, the results are pretty impressive – many people on the day said that I literally seemed to disappear as soon as I stepped into the woods. Can you see me?
AVATAR, the movie, will be released worldwide on 18 December 2009 – with sneak previews in selected 3D and IMAX cinemas on 21 August 2009. The trailer for Ubisoft’s AVATAR game will also be premiered on 21 August 2009. Visit the official movie website for more info: www.avatarmovie.com
PenCott camouflage is available now in the “Pioneer” range of clothing from Hyde Definition. The Pioneer range is available directly from Hyde Definition and also from The Combat Store.