A few simple guidelines:
- it should be an original design (goes without saying)
- it should reflect the spirit, purpose and content of the site – i.e., air-sea-land spec ops (obviously)
- it should work as a patch that can be won on a combat uniform and as a logo that can be put on the site, on a t-shirt, cap, etc. (of course)
- a combination of woodland, desert, and/or multicam colourations would be ideal
- please submit the artwork in vectored or bitmapped formats such as; JPEG, GIF, CGM, etc. If you’re really hi-speed, you can also submit an EPS version too
All contenders will get their designs posted on the site here, so that everyone who participated gets the recognition they deserve (unless you request not to be shown). I’ll decide which one I like the most and announce the winner here; plus send an announcement to the news sites that support us. If the winner wants picture and/or a short bio posted as well I’m happy to do that – plus a link to their own website. The winner will also get a free set of merchandise material (such as a patch, t-shirt, cap, coffee mug – plus the new prizes announced here and here). Sound good?
To submit your design – send an email to: MAPLE “dot” LEAF “at” FM “dot” PARATROOPER “dot” NET.
WINNER ANNOUNCED: 17 April 2009 (48th Anniversary of the “Bay of Pigs” invasion, and my xxth birthday)
Here are some things to consider:
Heraldic devices –
Wing / Eagles: associated with airborne forces; represent speed, surprise and striking from the sky
Trident: associated with naval spec ops; represents striking from the sea (water)
Dagger: associated with commando forces; represents striking from close range on land
Arrow: associated with special forces; represents unconventional warfare, and striking with speed, silence and surprise on land
Sword: associated with land forces; represents power, striking and defending
Shield: associated with military forces; represents strength and defence
Torch: associated with pathfinder and intelligence forces; represents knowledge and information
And here are some examples of real-deal badges that I like, and that incorporate a lot of these heraldic devices:

unidentified patch – great design and layout
The classic old 10th SF Group badge.
- I think this is an airsoft team badge – I like the stylised look…
- Bophuthatswana SF Operators Badge – I like the wing design.
- Rhodesian Selous Scouts cap badge – fantastic stylised look.
- Unidentified French Air Force badge (1960’s?) – I really like the overall design!
- JSOFCOM patch – a great combination of elements and shape.
- Unidentified – very nice winged torch design.
- South African Police Special Task Force Operator – great combination of air, sea, land elements!
- Sri Lankan Army Special Forces – another great air, sea, land combination