Exercise ARCTIC RAM 12 is the name of 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group’s (1 CMBG) first training exercise which is being conducted in the Northwest Territories from February 14 to 26, 2012.
Exercise ARCTIC RAM will allow soldiers to re-familiarize themselves with Northern operations by assessing the ability of 1 CMBG to operate in a harsh winter environment, testing all personnel and equipment, and providing an opportunity for many soldiers to develop an awareness of the unique requirements of Arctic operations.
Ensuring Canada’s Arctic sovereignty is a priority area of Canada’s Northern Strategy and such training exercises enable the Canadian Forces to demonstrate its ability to operate effectively in the challenging environment of Canada’s North.
Exercise ARCTIC RAM 12 is a Canadian Army-led Joint exercise, which will include elements of the Royal Canadian Navy and Royal Canadian Air Force. Although most Northern operations and exercises work under the authority of Canada Command, this exercise is being led by 1 CMBG through Land Force Western Area.
Exercise ARCTIC RAM 12 is based just outside of Yellowknife, with elements working around Behchoko, Whati and Gameti. This is a large exercise incorporating parachute operations, patrols, mechanized operations and a live fire range in the Russell Lake area.
Bravo (Para) Company, 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry conducted a tactical parachute drop onto the Northern arm of Great Slave Lake on February 15th.
Master Corporal (MCpl) Mike vonHugo (left), and Corporal (Cpl) Josh Wallace, discuss how to rig a pair of snowshoes for a parachute jump.
Jump Master Warrant Officer Pat Farrell gets ready to give the signal to tell Sergeant Sergio Alburto to stand in the door.
"GO!" Bravo Company of the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Light Infantry (PPCLI) jump from the side door of a CC-130J Hercules
All photos copyright Canadian DND 2012