Posted on 15/04/2009 by Strikehold Nice cover shot of a German Paratrooper from Fallschirmjaegerbataillon 313′s Sniper Platoon getting ready to reach out and touch somebody. These guys take “Front-and-Centre!” in the main article.Also in this issue: GSG9 “in detail” Personal equipment for CSAR and SERE pilots and crew Weapon Profile: SAR 41 Kommando (G3-SOPMOD clone) […]
Category: Uncategorized
Iraqi Spec Ops training reaches new heights
Blackanthem Military NewsAL ASAD, Iraq – Training took to the air as Iraqi Special Operations Forces turned their focus to helicopter operations, April 1 in Al Asad, Iraq, in order to increase their capabilities in the region.”Al Anbar borders three different countries and the borders are as far as 500 kilometers from here,” said the […]
Singapore Armed Forces pixilated desert camouflage
After I posted the story about the new Singapore Armed Forces pixilated camouflage combat uniform a couple of days ago, a reader from Hungary reported that he’d seen a couple of photos on of a desert version of the uniform being worn in Afghanistan.After a bit of snooping around, I found the originals of […]
Singapore Armed Forces pixilated camo combat uniform
Some of you may not be that familiar with the small city-state of Singapore, so some background information might be useful…According to entries on Wikipedia: The Republic of Singapore, is an island city-state located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, lying 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator, south of the Malaysian state of […]
Swedish M/90 and M/90K camouflage
Throughout the Cold War Sweden resolutely followed a policy of international independence and armed neutrality. But unlike Switzerland – which depended primarily on its difficult terrain for defence, and purchased much of its military equipment from Western countries – Sweden took a more self-sufficient approach. In the great open spaces of the north they adopted […]
“New Wars”: 4th Generation Warfare from a naval point-of-view
I just discovered a very interesting blog called “New Wars”. Now, whilst I don’t agree with some of the author’s fundamental thinking – seems to be too much of the Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz “more hi-tech, less boots” approach to me – nonetheless, he has some interesting posts. Like most, he’s been closely following the Maersk Alabama drama off the Horn […]
“New Wars”: 4th Generation Warfare from a naval point-of-view
I just discovered a very interesting blog called “New Wars”. Now, whilst I don’t agree with some of the author’s fundamental thinking – seems to be too much of the Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz “more hi-tech, less boots” approach to me – nonetheless, he has some interesting posts.Like most, he’s been closely following the Maersk Alabama drama off the Horn of […]
French commandos storm yacht – suffer friendly casualty
As you’ve probably seen in the papers (or online) today, the French yesterday launched a raid to free another private yacht and its occupants from the clutches of Somali pirates. According to the BBC, this is the third time in recent months that the French have acted to rescue their citizens. Unfortunately, this time they […]
Chinese Type 03 Plateau Camouflage / “Tibet-tarn”
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is the world’s largest standing army, and incorporates the Chinese air, naval and nuclear forces as well as the ground forces. The total number of personnel in the PLA is currently about 2.25 million troops on active duty, plus a reserve force of more than 7 million and another […]
Operation Lion Claws Military Simulation Series
Operation Lion Claws Military Simulation Series (OLCMSS) was established by John Lu in Oct. 2002, and has since grown from a modest California-based “special event” to an international military war games phenomena. The OLCMSS events are led by a cast of inspirational military personalities ranging from Ranger Col. (ret) DannyMcKnight of “Black Hawk Down” fame, Ranger MSG […]