A paratrooper of the US Army 11th Airborne Division gathers up his parachute canopy after a jump on Malamute drop zone November 2024. Photo: US Army […]

A paratrooper of the US Army 11th Airborne Division gathers up his parachute canopy after a jump on Malamute drop zone November 2024. Photo: US Army […]
“You have reached your destination.” Philippine Marines secure a beach landing after inserting from a UH-60 Blackhawk during a bilateral amphibious landing during Balikatan 22 at Claveria, Philippines, March 31, 2022. Balikatan is an annual exercise between the Armed Forces of the Philippines and U.S. military designed to strengthen bilateral interoperability, capabilities, trust, and cooperation […]
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR – YEAR OF THE TIGER! Members of the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol unit of the 1st Brigade 101st Airborne Division listen to a briefing from the brigade commander, Brigadier General Willard Person. General Person expanded the use of long range reconnaissance patrols by the brigade, and authorized the use of the […]
The Strike-Hold! team wishes to apologize for the fact that things have been a bit quiet here lately. We’ve been doing some essential system maintenance, updating, and backing up and it took longer than expected. At any rate, its all done now and we’ll be back after Christmas with more great content. Until then, we […]
Special Tactics Airmen from the 320th STS along with the 33rd RQS and 7th Marine Communication Battalion worked together during RIDEX21 or Remote Island Disaster Exercise 2021 at Ukibaru Island, Japan. (USAF Photo by A1C Stephen Pulter) […]
A patrol from the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) advance, using a drone quad ‘copter on over watch during training on Shemya Island, Alaska during Exercise Noble Defender 2021. United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) personnel taking part in the exercise practiced maritime infiltration, off-road mobility, special reconnaissance, remote communications, close quarters battle, and medical […]
A rare shot – they mostly come at night… Location: Bishop Airfield outside of Scottsdale, Arizona. If you know, you know. 😉 Photo credit: Complete Parachute Solutions. […]
The crew of a Danish Seahawk helicopter train with members of the Frogman Corps (Frømandskorpset). Photo credit: Flyvevåbnet (Danish Armed Forces). […]