On this date 11 years ago 2,977 innocent people from more than 90 countries perished in the terrorist attacks now known forever as “9/11″.  

Many other people who were in the areas in the aftermath of the attacks, particularly First Responders and rescue and recovery personnel, have since died or suffered severe health problems as a result of exposure to toxic dust and airborne pollutants.  According to a BBC News report, as many as 18,000 people may have developed illnesses as a result of the toxic dust caused by the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.

Additionally, the Coalition military forces have suffered approximately 7,977 casualties from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that followed the 9/11 attacks (according to iCasualty.org).

Today, on the 11th anniversary of this terrible crime let us all pause and remember the victims and those who continue to suffer, the heroic First Responders and recovery workers, and all those who still serve.


– Lawrence


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