The free-fallers of Airland Brigade 1 of the German Bundeswehr have been in Portugal practicing tactical parachute jumping with combat equipment.
Day and night, an A400M and two M28 Skytrucks have been bringing the soldiers of the the free-fallers of Airland Brigade 1 in Portugal are practicing tactical parachute jumping with combat equipment. Day and night, an A400M and two M28 Skytrucks bring the soldiers of the ‘Fallschirmspezialzug’, the freefall pathfinder and recon elements of the German airborne forces, into the air.

Portugal provides an ideal training location as there is a large area of restricted airspace that allows the jumpers to train freely – enabling them to make between 3 and 4 jumps per day.

These specialized soldiers are part of the Bundeswehr’s rapid reaction forces ready to deploy on one hour’s notice. Their tasks are to locate and establish drop zones and landing zones for airborne troops, as well as suitable airstrips and landing zones for aircraft, and collect and disseminate intel up to senior leadership. Trained to operate independently in small groups in advance of friendly forces, they and their equipment slip silently into position.

Using the so-called ‘Snake Formation’, the jumpers glide into the target area…

Now as a group they approach the DZ to land…

On the ground, pack up, assemble, and get ready to go again…

Photo credits: Bundeswehr / Maximilian Schulz