Saw this on SoldierSystems today, and I thought “Brilliant! I gotta get me one of these!”From the Spec.Ops product page: “Traditional wallets are not built to fit in the shoulder pockets found on the new generation of U.S. military uniforms. Conventional wallets don’t offer organization designed around the types of items carried in the field. Most military personnel have to contend with multiple ID cards, note pads, etc. and need a wallet that is more secure and better organized than the typical civilian wallet. The SPEC.-OPS. Brand® SHOULDER POCKET WALLET™ is designed to carry multiple ID cards and other field essentials where they are readily accessible and is sized to fit in the shoulder cargo pocket where it is always in reach even when wearing body armor.”
Get one in Black or Coyote Brown and it might be the last wallet you ever need. I know one thing, this is going on my birthday Wish List. :-)Visit the Spec Ops website for more details.