So, you might have noticed by now that I’m a bit of a fan of Osprey’s books – and I’ve been excitedly awaiting the launch of this new series since I first heard about it several months ago.
The first book to be released, in September, details the assualt on Pointe-du-Hoc on D-Day by the US Army Rangers.
It looks like Osprey have pulled out all the stops with this new series as well – notice that dramatic cover artwork for a start – but at the same time have stayed true to their core principles to provide thoroughly researched, well written, superbly illustrated, concise accounts of some of the greatest raids in military history.Here’s a preview of what you’ll find in the first volume, Rangers Lead The Way.

Lest we forget…
Also being released in September is the second volume of the series, covering the Israeli hostage-rescue raid on Entebbe in 1976. Interesting piece of trivia – the Hebrew word for lightning is “barak”.
Due to be released in October, the third volume in the series covers the famous SAS hostage-rescue assault on the Iranian Embassy in London in 1980.
Full details about the series and upcoming releases can be found at the dedicated website at