Two Georgian soldiers from the 23rd Light Infantry Battalion keep a watchful eye on the surrounding area after a car bomb detonates at the gates of the unit's Forward Operating Base (FOB) at a mission rehearsal exercise at Joint Multinational Readiness Center Hohenfels, Germany, Feb. 16.
“GDP-ISAF is a very unique mission – it shows how adaptive the Marine Corps can be when we applied to building the capacity of partner nations,” said Marine Lt. Col. Christopher Brown, officer in charge of the rehearsal exercise. “The mission also demonstrates how building partner capacity can have a significant impact on assisting the U.S. with confronting challenges around the globe – Afghanistan in this case.”
The original GDP-ISAF program was a two-year train and equip mission designed to prepare four Georgian infantry battalions in sequence for operations in Afghanistan with Regional Command Southwest. As of May 2011, the program is now GDP-ISAF II, a subsequent extension of the original program for training and deploying nine additional Georgian infantry battalions over three years.
U.S. Marine Staff Sgt. Timothy Defoor, a platoon observer controller for 2nd Platoon, Alpha Company, 23rd Light Infantry Battalion goes over some of the observations he made of his platoon during the first day of the mission rehearsal exercise (MRE) at Joint Multinational Readiness Center, Hohenfels, Germany. The 23rd Georgian Light Infantry Battalion is preparing to support counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan as part of Georgia Deployment Program – International Security Assistance Force.
“Our intention is to give the Georgians soldiers the essential training and preparation to operate with Marines and the Afghan National Army in stabilizing the security environment in Afghanistan,” said Brown who is a native of the Silicon Valley in California. “This MRE has been designed to replicate the RC(SW) area of operations and provide a scenario that evaluates the 23rd Georgian Light Infantry Battalion’s ability to operate within a counter-insurgency environment.”
Over the following days, Georgian soldiers will patrol the JMRC training area seeking insurgents, weapons caches, and improvised explosive device factories in partnership with a simulated Afghan partner force as well as engaging and working to influence Afghan civilian role players. The Georgian soldiers will be tested with a full-spectrum of challenges from kinetic attacks to meetings with local civilians to gain information and negotiate differences.
U.S. Marine Capt. Salvatore DePaola, supporting arms liaison team (SALT) leader for the Georgian 23rd Light Infantry Battalion goes over some notes with a Georgian translator prior to speaking to some of the staff. DePaola is a long-time resident of Coventry, Connecticut who is currently deplyed to Germany supporting the Georgian soldiers at the mission rehearsal exercise.
“Conducting the MRE at JMRC Hohenfels, enables the United States military to train, evaluate and certify THE GDP-ISAF battalions in full spectrum COIN with few limitations,” said Gunnery Sgt. Will Price, the public affairs officer at MARFOREUR.
At the conclusion of the exercise, MCSCG with the observations from Marine and supporting JMRC mentors, draft a final assessment of the Georgian 23rd Light Infantry Battalion’s capabilities. This assessment will be provided to the commander, RC(SW), to assist him in deciding how to best employ the battalion during its pending deployment to Afghanistan.
Two Georgian soldiers from the 23rd Light Infantry Battalion at the gates of the unit's Forward Operating Base (FOB) during an exercise at Joint Multinational Readiness Center Hohenfels, Germany, Feb. 16.
Two Georgian soldiers from the 23rd Light Infantry Battalion keep a watchful eye on the surrounding area after a simulated car bomb detonates at the gates of the unit's Forward Operating Base (FOB) during an exercise at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center Hohenfels, Germany, Feb. 16.
Text and photos: Gunnery Sgt. Alexis Mulero, Marine Forces Europe