Our friends at Kitanica have a lot of new products that have dropped this month, and they are also providing free shipping within the US all month long! Check out all these new goodies… See all the goodness at Kitanica.net […]

Our friends at Kitanica have a lot of new products that have dropped this month, and they are also providing free shipping within the US all month long! Check out all these new goodies… See all the goodness at Kitanica.net […]
These pine cones shoot back! The latest intake of recruits for The Netherlands Marine Corps (Korps Mariniers) have been busy practicing and conducting various field exercises as part of their training cycle. Photo credit: Mariniers Opleidingscentrum, Koninklijke Marine […]
Due to popular demand, Australian tactical gear supremo PLATATAC is bringing sexy back – in the shape and form of “God’s plaid”, US Woodland camo (sometimes called M81 or M82 camo). The entire collection includes the Peacekeeper MK4 Chest Rig, the SR Jungle ALICE Pack, the GBH-R Boonie Hat, the Tac Dax V4 Combat Pants, […]