The US Armed Forces, Congress and The Great Camouflage Controversy – the extended remix

According to a story posted yesterday on, the US Congress has now gone another step further in the ongoing conflagration over the camouflage uniforms worn by American soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors. The 2010 Defense Authorization Bill (which is still undergoing review and revision by the defense committee) contains a section (Section 352) that […]

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BE-X Lightweight Combat Vest

I’ve been a fan of the BE-X line of tactical gear and clothing pretty much since it was first launched just under 2 years ago.  What I like about the BE-X approach is the thoughtfulness of their approach, the intelligence of their designs and the end-user practicality that goes in to each of their products.  They […]

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The Harrier Jet: 40 Years Old and Still Jumping

Posted on 24/07/2009 by Strike-Hold Few aircraft can be described as truly iconic, fewer still remain in service over long periods, but this year the British-designed Harrier celebrates its 40th birthday, having spent the past five years as a mainstay on operations in Afghanistan.And the Harrier really is unique – no other jet in service […]

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US SOCOM buys more”Hummingbird”UAVs

Posted on 22/07/2009 by Strike-Hold I found this interesting piece on WIRED’s “Danger Room” blog: Secret Missions for Special Forces’ Stealth Robo-Copter By David AxeLast year, U.S. Special Operations Command quietly began taking delivery of 10 Boeing-built Hummingbird robotic helicopters, and outfitting them for two-gigapixel spy cameras, foliage-penetrating radars, small guided missiles and even 800-pound-capacity […]

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Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan

Posted on 22/07/2009 by Strike-Hold Osprey Publishing – Elite 163 In this companion volume to “Special Operationd Forces in Iraq”, Australian intelligence specialist Leigh Neville details the units and operations of the British, American and other Coalition nations’ Special Operations Forces (SOF) committed to the War in Afghanistan since 2001. Drawing on declassified material that hadn’t yet been published […]

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Indian infantry and special forces get upgraded small arms

Posted on 21/07/2009 by Strike-Hold Basic infantry gear might not be as “sexy” or impressive as guided missiles, fighter jets, tanks, submarines and aircraft carriers – and its certainly not as expensive – but its just as (if not even more) important.  So, amidst all the other improvements that India is making to its armed forces, the 1.13-million strong […]

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Hello Kitty? Hmmm, this kitten has claws!

Posted on June 21, 2009 by Strike-Hold Next time you see a cute little kitty cat poking around the corner – take cover and look a bit closer!Thanks to Dom and Frank of ICUS for this. This entry was posted in Small Arms. Bookmark the permalink. ← Puma miniature UAV lands on water and ground for […]

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